Hello! I'm Jesse de Gans, I started programming at the age of 12. I love to be creative, and I am always working on one or two side projects. I have a natural interest for complex technologies and discovered blockchain development in 2017. I've never left the space since.
What is Pyctor?
Pyctor, in collaboration with ABN AMRO, BNP Paribas Securities Services, ING Bank, Invesco, Societe Generale – Forge, State Street, UBS, Citibank, and others, is a decentralized permissioned network that aims to provide digital asset safekeeping and transaction services, with a focus on regulated security tokens issued either on the private or public blockchain.Part of the prestigious Pyctor project (Digital Assets Custody).
- Responsible for the nodes orchestrating logic.
- Wrote the Pyctor node Transactions, node management & data management modules
- Consensus algorithms
Managed the PoliceCoin project (Democratic cryptocurrency-driven initiative platform)
- Responsible for project deadlines, scrum team
performance and stakeholders communication. - Wrote the Ethereum ERC20 smartcontract
- Created the backend service for processing transactions and generating automatic wallets for initiatives.